Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gay Marriage and Islamic Polygamy

One can only tolerate that which with we disagree.

We may disagree with another person's religious beliefs, e.g., Islam. Yet, we should tolerate their beliefs on the civil or social level. If, however, a Muslim man wants to acquire another wife, this will entail him changing the laws of the land which would make polygamy legal. At this point it would require a political and social debate. The Islamic community would need to show that polygamy would serve as a public good.

There would be considerable opposition to this legal change, especially from the Christian community. But democracy is open to exchange and competition of ideas.

This is the same with gay marriage. It is an issue of civil debate. The Christian community is tolerant of homosexuals. But we don't believe that homosexual marriage is in the interest of the public good. So, it is not because of bigotry we oppose it. It is because we don't believe it serves in the interest of the public good.

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