James tells us, "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue..." (James 1:19)
I have learned this past week that I should more carefully guard my words so that I speak only what God wants to communicate through me. I have a lot of ideas about a lot of things. But in the end these ideas are useless unless they are matured and led by God.
Too many times I have the problem where I will speak by the leading of God and then as I get on a roll I keep speaking things over and above what God has called me to share. These things I share may be true but become info overload for the hearer or are ideas which are irrelevant for the place where the person is at in his/her spiritual growth.
This ties in with my previous blog on Carrie Prejan. Too often I get caught up in the drama of events, and I add to the drama by saying things which are not most helpful or clearly understood. My words need to align with my faith so that they will focus on the purposes of God, not the confusion or drama of the situation.

Another one of my temptations is to overlead. I can tend to want to over direct events in the church or in other areas where I have a vested interest. I do this by over arguing or over defending my case. My tendency to overlead demonstrates an area where I am not cooperating with the Holy Spirit as I should be. I simply need to trust the work of Holy Spirit to ultimately guide people and events as He is most capable of doing and has been doing before the beginning of time.
I need to let my words be fewer knowing that God can multiply them for his eternal purposes.
When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. (Proverbs 10:19)
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